愛上一個人,發現自己全身心靈相迎的感應~愛上了他! 那人卻是死神,那是怎樣的抉擇和進退兩難? 女主角蘇珊與老父,還有帥到爆的死神(布萊德彼特飾)之間有幾段心情拉鋸的精彩對白,讓我們一起按住左邊胸口的情緒澎湃,一起用美麗的愛情故事來學英文。


1.     人生一趟旅程,若沒深愛過就枉此一生。若沒勇氣追尋,人生將虛度白活。

To make the journey and not fall deeply in love, you haven’t lived a life at all. But you have to try, cause if you haven’t tried, you haven’t lived.


2.     敞開心靈去期待,愛情有時猶如火光閃電,敲擊心的悸動。

Stay open, who knows? Lightning could strike.


3.     他讓我有觸電的感覺,我很久沒有這種感覺了。

Hitting on me in as nice a way as I’ve been hit on in a long time.


4.     (死神初嘗親吻滋味的美好) 我喜歡你的味道,我覺得膝蓋無力,我心狂跳。

I like the way you smell, I have this weak feeling in my knees, and my heart beating strangely.


5.     (Bill提起他對去世妻子的思念) 生活中處處都令我想起她,我沒有一天不想她。

Everything reminds me of her. There isn’t a day that I don’t think about her.


6. 愛是一種神志失常的快樂,滿心期待。

Be deliriously happy, or at least leave yourself open to be.


7.     我要你在愛中醉心著迷,我要你在愛中徜徉飄浮。

I want you to get swept away, I want you to levitate.


8.     我要你因為愛而狂喜歌唱,像執著宗教的苦行僧般忘情舞蹈。

I want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dervish.


9.     愛是激情著魔,迷戀一個不可或缺的人。

Love is passion, obsession, someone you can’t live without.


10.   瘋狂去愛一個同樣迷戀你的人。

Find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back.


11.   用心去尋找,不用理智分析得失。沒有真愛,人生乏味。

You forget your head, and you listen to your heart. There’s no sense living your life without this.




12.   人生就像一趟小島的渡假,隨時間經過,該發生的終究都會發生,我們只需帶著美好回憶離去。

Like you come to the island and had a holiday. The truth is, it bound to happen if you stay long enough. So take that nice picture you got in your head home with you.




13.   她知道我所有的缺點,但是沒關係。彼此知道對方內心深處最黑暗的秘密,但是在對方面前,你卻覺得自在,你是可以輕鬆無懼、完全地去愛對方。

She knows the worst thing about me, and it’s okay. It’s like you know each other’s secrets, your deepest, darkest secrets. And then you’re free. You’re free to love each other completely, totally.




14.   父親比爾:「我對待你,不如對待蘇珊。」


BillI havent been the father to you that Ive been to Susan.

AllisonThats OK, because I know that you love me. Ive felt loved, and thats all that matters.


15.   (BillJoe討論愛是什麼)



JoeIm in love with a woman who I dont wanna leave.

BillThats not love. Love is trust, responsibility, taking the weight for your choices and feelings, and spending the rest of your life living up to them. And above all, not hurting the object of your love.



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